
“Iqlim” LTD carries out research, engineering and consulting, project development activities in various fields.

High-level experts and engineers work at Iqlim LTD, they are constantly looking for a balance between the interests of customers and the environment in a broad sense, and ensuring sustainable development.

“Iglim” LTD started from the project identification phase (support advice, strategic notes), technical and economic assessment (feasibility study, site study, strategic environment and risk assessment, etc.), design (detailed engineer, technically specialized, assessment of environmental impacts, justification of permits), performs the provision of services related to the stages of control and monitoring during the execution of works.

In relation to projects, “Iqlim” LTD closely cooperates with the world’s leading specialized companies and their consultants, as well as with experienced local experts and companies. Experiences gained were obtained mainly in projects carried out within the framework of the World Bank, foreign companies, and national organizations.

“Iqlim Ltd” has been operating since 2004. The company provides environmental engineering, research, project development, cleanup and remediation services:

► “Iqlim Ltd”  is a multidisciplinary and dynamic research, consulting and engineering company specializing in environmental change and problem solving. Interdisciplinary experts and engineers always explore the balance between the client’s interests and the environment with the company’s continuous and high-quality advice;

► Services project definition (supportive advisory policy, strategic notes), feasibility (preliminary) phase (feasibility studies, site studies, Strategic Environmental Assessment, risk assessment, procurement support, etc.), project phase (comprehensive engineering , technical characteristics, Environmental Impact Assessment, permit, etc.) and includes certain directions such as control and monitoring during the execution of works;

► As a sustainable organization, our goal is to create social, ecological and economic values in the field of our services to our customers and in the way of our business development.