Zigh Lake is one of the heavily contaminated 9 lakes surrounding Baku. As noted in the state program on the socio-economic development of Baku and its settlements, approved by President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Zigh lake rehabilitation project envisages the rehabilitation of nine lakes in the Absheron Peninsula (Khocahasan, Boyukshor, Lake in front of Binagadi Sports Complex, Qirmizi, Puta (Lokbatan), Qu, Zabrat, Bulbula, Zigh) within the framework of the tasks to improve the ecological situation.
Zigh lake and its’ surrounding territories have been seriously contaminated by the waste of the oil, municipal, construction and sewage origin. Therefore, improvement of their environmental conditions will allow reducing the ecological risks that are faced by the local population, remediating the lake and returning it into the economic turnover.
Main goal of the Project is to ensure the Zigh lake and its’ surrounding areas into the environmentally safe territories which can be used in the future. Achievement of the described goal first of all required carrying out a complex of engineering and environmental investigations, as well as design and feasibility studies in the Project area.
Environmental Impacts Assessment (EIA) for the Zigh Lake Rehabilitation Project is performed. EIA identifies potential impacts on natural environment and social situation onshore and offshore during rehabilitation and construction phases of the Project. Mitigation of potential negative impacts is also assessed. Mitigation measures are detailed in Environmental Management Plan (EMP) and Environmental Monitoring Plan.