Article “It is impossible to seize the unseizable, although I would like to” on the Internet portal “Earth and Man” 02.12.2020

Двадцать первый век уже смело можно считать своеобразным испытанием на прочность всего человечества. Тайфуны, цунами, природные катаклизмы, кроме всего этого еще и пандемия коронавируса заставляет нас по-другому взглянуть на окружающую нас среду, оценить, все ли мы делаем правильно и на самом ли деле природа нам мстит за наши ошибки. Есть еще одна проблема, которая дает […]

Shusha and Dashalti Water Supply Project, 2021-2023

The city of Shusha has been liberated recently from the Armenian occupation. Now the city is being restored. The city is the historical and cultural centre of Azerbaijan. Currently, the State Committee for Urban Planning and Architecture (SCUPA) and AzerSu is developing a new Masterplan for the city of Shusha. The plan provides for the […]

Filizchay Ore Deposit Project of “AzerGold” CJSC, 2019-2023

Filizchay ore deposit is located in the territory of Balakan district Azerbaijan Republic, on the secondary heavily dissected ridge of the southern slope of the Main Caucasus Range, on the right slope of the middle reach basin of Balakanchay. Occupying 240 ha, the project area is located on 1110-2270 m high zone of the middle […]

Boyukshor Lake rehabilitation project for West Lake, Phase II – 2017-2018

Boyukshor Lake rehabilitation project for West Lake Boyukshor Lake is since rehabilitation project phase I in 2014 divided in three main parts: North Lake, West Lake and East Lake. The project area is the West lake, which surface is 518 ha (460 ha Lake + 58 ha shores). The main objective of the project is […]